Developing Leaders Who Build Movements

Fournir une gamme de ressources et d'outils pour vous-même et pour votre équipe qui vous équiperont et vous guideront vers la réalisation de votre plein potentiel.

Cadre de Travail du Leadership

Who leaders are and what they do

The Leadership Framework resources help leaders integrate a growing heart for the Lord and others with thinking skills and influence skills so they experience greater faith, growth, and fruitfulness for reaching the nations for Christ.

First 100 Days

Making it easy for you to start well in LDHR

‘Your First 100 Days in LDHR’ consists of 14 weekly sessions that will help you develop foundational knowledge for operating as an Leadership Development and HR leader. The sessions have been written and compiled by some of our movement’s top practitioners from around the globe, drawing from over 100 years of combined experience in ministry and LDHR.

Evaluation Globale 360

An opportunity to grow by receiving feedback from those around you

The Global 360 Review is a feedback tool designed to help you develop by receiving feedback from your director, peers and direct reports, in addition to your own observations. With the help of a facilitator to coach you, you will have opportunity to reflect on all the observations and consider next steps.

This tool is not designed to be used as a performance evaluation tool. The feedback is confidential and the property of the reviewee.

Formation du Leader d'Equipe

Essential preparation for new team leaders

Team Leader Training offers interactive, hands-on training sessions and resources to prepare new leaders for spiritual and strategic leadership, growth in self-awareness, and the ability to lead a team, leading to success in their new role.

Formation des Nouveaux Equipiers

Equipping trainers and leaders with resources for on-boarding new team members

This training package contains resources that you can adapt for training and onboarding your new missionaries, volunteers, or disciples and preparing them for a lifetime of fruitful ministry. You will find movement-building components using creative, relevant, attractive learning methods that do not depend on a training “center” or education venue. 

Développement du Leader National de l'Équipe

Set the spiritual temperature and strategic direction for national ministry

In our organization, the National Team Leader (NTL) sets the spiritual temperature and strategic direction for the national ministry, so investment in their initial training and ongoing development is essential.

Outils essentiels

Vous fournir les outils dont vous avez besoin pour développer des leaders qui bâtissent des mouvements

Plan de Développement Personnel

A step-by-step worksheet to help you determine areas for growth, set clear goals, and consider different methods and opportunities to create and implement a development plan

Modèle de Croissance

Une "recette" éprouvée pour développer une plus grande conscience de soi et des compétences d'autogestion en utilisant le contexte, les principes et les études de cas

Apprendre comme Mode de Vie

Pratiquez ces quatre habitudes et développez un style de vie d'apprentissage continu

30 jours de Feedback

Conseils et activités pour vous encourager, vous et votre équipe, à donner et à solliciter des feedback

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